Online Counseling for Anxiety & Depression

For adults and adolescents in Indiana

Stop the self-sabotage and cycles of worry and sadness.

  • Depression

    Do you find yourself feeling hopeless or like a burden to those around you? Do you avoid people or relationships? I know that you’re here because you’re experiencing very real challenges, and those challenges are exactly where we’ll start. As we begin our work together, we’ll unpack what you’re facing today and where you’d ultimately like to end as a result of therapy. Then, we’ll get to work on those goals.

    The goal is that you leave counseling with an improved relationship with yourself and a toolbox of skills to take with you into the future, confident you can handle whatever comes your way.

  • Anxiety

    Do you find yourself consumed by racing thoughts? Ruminating on what “could” happen? When living with anxiety , it’s easy to try to suppress it — to avoid it, pretend it isn’t there, or simply try to push through it. But eventually, it can feel like too much to handle on your own.

    You might be finding yourself in patterns of self-sabotage that you know aren’t good for you, but can’t seem to break: not exercising or taking care of yourself physically, continually seeking out unhealthy relationships, or isolating yourself even though you are desperate for connection.

    Anxiety counseling can help. Not only will it help you develop new coping skills and feel more hope and peace about the future, but it will teach you how to use the difficult and uncomfortable things you’re feeling today to become a more confident, fulfilled version of yourself — no matter what life throws at you.

Anxiety and Depression Therapy can help you:

  • Feel hopeful about what the future holds

  • Set healthy boundaries with those around you

  • Improve personal + professional relationships

  • Gain insight into yourself and your strengths

  • Break old patterns and create new ones

  • Respond to difficult situations in healthy ways